If you have been reading my blogs you know I am testing for the fire department in a week. My best friends little brother is a firefighter and he has been helping me prepare for the physical test. On saturday we met at the local high school where I got my first taste of the test. Before I made it to the end my legs were burning and I was breathing heavy. I like to think I am in good shape, but I quickly found out I am not in the shape I need to be in for this test.
Because of how I train on a regular basis I finished the course and recieved a respectable time. Another guy came with us to practice for the test. He is your typical gym rat, performing your typical routine, he was unable to finish the course.
The biggest reason he did not finish wasn't because he is week or out of shape. He has good size and is strong in the weight room, but it ends their. He did not posses the real world strength and mental attitude required to finish the fire fighting test. His exact words "I thought I had been doin good in the gym, but I come out here and its not the same. This is when I decided to tell him why he strugled and how I can help.
People ask me all the time what kind of work out do you do? I tell them I train my body to work the way it was dedigned to work, and I do the same for my clients. It is not for everybody! My style of training is for the individual who is tough minded, self motivated, and willing to put blood sweat & tears into it. My dad always told me if it was easy everybody would do it.
The gym rat is supposed to be calling me to set up so time to train. I hope he does, so I can open his eyes and change his world.
Stay strong
Matt Holder, M.S. CSCS
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