I started this to give you a look inside what I do. I didn't intend for it to last long. Really didn't intend on making so many youtube videos. Now, I believe its time for me to shut it down again.
We all have goals. We all are created different making our goals different. What training has taught me the most is there is no time table on accomplishing goals. Goals should be personal, they should mean something to you. Your goals should be apart of who you are. Your goal might seem stupid to others, or people might tell you they're impossible. Just smile, say thank you, and remember those words. It seems like I hear people today talking about what they wish they had done, or what they want to do. So, whats stoping you? Is it the work? Is it the time? Is it a ligitimate reason, or an something for you to hide behind. We will never have enough time or money. We will always have an obstacle in the way, and then another one after you clear that one. What are you afraid of? Nobody ever looked back and said I regret working hard. Its supposed to be hard, thats why it means so much to you when you accomplish it.
Two years ago I started training with Cody. Before we began training together I power cleaned a little. Shortly after we started training together I did something I've wanted to do for a long time. I power cleaned 300lbs. I felt good about myself, but quickly moved past that goal for the next. I wanted to move to over 300lbs. I could not reach this goal, no matter how much I tried, or worked. I told myself I was over it and moved on, only come back again and fail. Fed up with not being able to reach my goal I said forget it. Not reaching this goal has eaten at me, and I couldn't let it go. I take pride in being able to say I've never quit anything in my life. I tell my baby boy, "We're Holder's we don't quit." With that being said I took a look at why I was failing, and worked on that issue. Yesterday, Cody and I got together to train. He told me we wanted to clean 335lbs for 3 reps. I knew if he was going to try to accomplish his goal, I owed it to him to try to reach mine. So, I loaded 305lb on the bar. Yes, its only 5lbs over my personal best, but its heading in the direction of my goal of clean over 300lbs. Finally after 2 years of trying multiple times I did it. I power cleaned 305 lbs and it felt great. Now, time to move on to 305+lbs. Cody then proceeded to show me up by cleaning 335lb for 3 reps. It takes a lot to impress me in the weight room, I've seen a lot. I've been an an SEC football summer program, I've seen people squat 1,000lbs with out any gear, but Cody repping out 335 and maxing out with 375 still impresess me.
Don't ever look back on your life and say what if.
1) Power Clean
1x5 135
1x5 185
1x3 225
1x2 275
1x1 305
2a) DL
4x5 405
1x5 455
2b) Bench
4x5 315
1x3 365
3a) Dips with 45lbs of chains
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