Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Actuall Friday 5/31/13

I got my days mixed up. Yes, I am trying to get this blog caught up to date.  My DL weak point is off the floor, so today was about explosive from the start.  Decided to do the same with my bench, but instead of going with traditional 50-60% for speed I decided to do 85% and get 10 singles in 10 minuets.  Not really sure why, just did it.  Felt pretty good.

1) SSQ Yoke Bar
     1x10   bar
     1x10   155
     3x10   245

2) Speed Pulls 60%
     12x1 315

3) Bench 85%
    10x1 315

4a) Barbell Curls
    3x10   95
4b) Leg Raises




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