Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't be afraid.

I have been trying to start over in my training, and get back to some simple GPP.

I have been spinning my wheels for the past 2 1/2 weeks.

Yesterday at work it hit me. There is nothing more GPP than swings, C&P, Snatches, & TGU.

My problem was I wanted to do to much. Try and be fancy or different. I needed to just get back to the basics of hardstyle. So I did. This morning I went back to the begining of swings and snatches with a a 20kg bell. Before I could snatch a 24kg 194 reps in 10 min. Now I am starting over focusing on form and rebuilding my conditioning level.

Today was a great day!

Don't be afraid to go back to the basics, drop the poundage, or start over. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see the full picture before you can move forward.

Something new I am goin start is adding a Bible verse to every post that is from my morning study time. This one is not from this morning, but has always been my favorite.

Isaiah 40:31
For he who hopes in the Lord, He will renew their strengths.
He will soar on wings like eagles.
He will run and not grow weary, he will walk and not be faint.

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