Saturday, July 6, 2013

Done for now....

I started this to give you a look inside what I do.  I didn't intend for it to last long.  Really didn't intend on making so many youtube videos.  Now, I believe its time for me to shut it down again.

We all have goals.  We all are created different making our goals different. What training has taught me the most is there is no time table on accomplishing goals.  Goals should be personal, they should mean something to you.  Your goals should be apart of who you are. Your goal might seem stupid to others, or people might tell you they're impossible. Just smile, say thank you, and remember those words.  It seems like I hear people today talking about what they wish they had done, or what they want to do.  So, whats stoping you? Is it the work?  Is it the time? Is it a ligitimate reason, or an something for you to hide behind. We will never have enough time or money.  We will always have an obstacle in the way, and then another one after you clear that one.  What are you afraid of? Nobody ever looked back and said I regret working hard.  Its supposed to be hard, thats why it means so much to you when you accomplish it. 

Two years ago I started training with Cody.  Before we began training together I power cleaned a little.  Shortly after we started training together I did something I've wanted to do for a long time. I power cleaned 300lbs. I felt good about myself, but quickly moved past that goal for the next.  I wanted to move to over 300lbs.  I could not reach this goal, no matter how much I tried, or worked.  I told myself I was over it and moved on, only come back again and fail.  Fed up with not being able to reach my goal I said forget it.  Not reaching this goal has eaten at me, and I couldn't let it go.  I take pride in being able to say I've never quit anything in my life.  I tell my baby boy, "We're Holder's we don't quit." With that being said I took a look at why I was failing, and worked on that issue.  Yesterday, Cody and I got together to train.  He told me we wanted to clean 335lbs for 3 reps. I knew if he was going to try to accomplish his goal, I owed it to him to try to reach mine.  So, I loaded 305lb on the bar. Yes, its only 5lbs over my personal best, but its heading in the direction of my goal of clean over 300lbs. Finally after 2 years of trying multiple times I did it. I power cleaned 305 lbs and it felt great.  Now, time to move on to 305+lbs. Cody then proceeded to show me up by cleaning 335lb for 3 reps. It takes a lot to impress me in the weight room, I've seen a lot.  I've been an an SEC football summer program, I've seen people squat 1,000lbs with out any gear, but Cody repping out 335 and maxing out with 375 still impresess me.

Don't ever look back on your life and say what if.

1) Power Clean
   1x5  135
   1x5  185
   1x3  225
   1x2  275
   1x1  305

2a) DL
  4x5 405
  1x5 455

2b)  Bench
   4x5 315
   1x3 365

3a) Dips with 45lbs of chains


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Barbell TGU 115

Since last time it was such a big hit, more than I was expecting, I decided to go at the barbell TGU again today.  I wanted to see if I could get 115.  My right side felt great, smooth, no problems.  Left side didn't feel as strong.  It took me three tries before I got down with it.  I was on my way down the first try when baby boy decided he needed to tell me he has to go pee.  Second attempt I was just off centered in the bar. Third attempt made it down, but reached up for the bar at the bottom with my right hand.  Kristy says it counts, but I'm not accepting it.

The second link is of my third attempt on my left hand.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Max Effort Squat Day

Its been several weeks since I've been under heavy weight.  Even then that was with a regular bar and for multiple sets of 4 reps, not max singles. So, today's plan was work up to a max single with the Safety Squat Yoke Bar.  If some of you are wondering why I use this bar its because it forces you to stay up right due to the fact it wants to pull you forward.  Basically its the same as performing front squats, but no stress on your wrist. 

The point of doing max effort work is to start with 3 reps and work your way up to 1 single max rep.  If your head doesn't feel like its goin to explode your not doing it right. Max effort work helps you figure out your sticking/weak points as well.  When you reach that last rep were you begin to fail, you can look at the lift and figure out caused you to fail.  At what point in the lift did your form break down.  Once you know this you know what your supplemental and accessory work needs to focus on.  I worked up to 475 for my single rep, the worked that followed focused on my posterior chain and low back.  I made the lift with good strength in my legs, but I wasn't very stable/strong in my center.

1) SSB
   1x10 bar
     x8   105
     x5   155
     x5   205
     x3   245
     x3   295
     x3   315
     x3   335
     x3   385
     x3   405
     x3   425  put knee wraps on here.
     x1   475  should've made smaller jumps after 425 to get more single reps in, but baby boy was with me and getting restless.

2) RDL
   3x12   225

3) SSB Good Mornings
   5x10   135

Monday, July 1, 2013

Family fun Monday

Today I got some work in before Kristy got home from work.  Did some light TGU's, practiced my DBL snathces and DBL cleans, Swiss Bar Curl.  Kristy's current goal is to get lean by adding some lean muscle mass.  No, girls this does not mean she is getting bulky.  Today we did our regular conditioning work for 20 mins. Starting at the top of each minuet.  We did presses and one arm swings.  She can press the 12kg bell for 3 reps, but strugles as she moves up in the sets. So, today she alternated between the 12 kg and 10 kg bell for the 20 mins. If we can get her moving heavy weight for small reps, her volume will come from more sets.  Again, short rest periods to keep her HR up. Build muscle and burn fat with out the disshonor of aerobics.

1) TGU
    1x5   20kg R/L
    1x4  24kg  R/L

2) Snatch and DBL Snatch
     2x5 24kg  R/L
     3x4  DBL 24's

3) Clean and DBL Clean
      2x5  32kg  R/L
      3x5  DBL 24's

4) Swiss Bar Curl
    5x10  95#

20min conditioning
1a) KB Press
        x3 R/L  Me 32kg   Kristy 12kg and 10kg
1b) 1-arm swing
        x8 R/L  Me 24kg    Kristy 24kg (Yes, we are swinging the same size bell. Don't read to much into it.)

Kristy followed her work work up with a 1.25 mile run in 6:50.
I finished with seated Trunk Twist w/ 35#pl for 120 reps.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Kristy Snatches 12kg bell 100 times

 For those of you who don't know kettelbell snatches are not easy. They are not for the faint of heart.  Snatching a kettelbell for this many reps takes guts, mental toughness, focus, unstoppable will, heart, determination, and all the other words you want to throw in there.  I got a lot of respect for her, and its not from her ability to train the way she does.  When she told me she wanted to try this I knew she would make it.  She's not the type of person to back down from a challenge, nor quit when life gets hard. I'm proud of you sunshine. Not to many women (or men) want to get out in a dirty, hot, garage and try to make their lungs explode. 

After I told Kristy I wanted to see if I could snatch my bell 50 times on each hand, and only switching hands one time.  She decided today was her day to give this a try.  So here it is.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Don't know what to call this?

After spending about 6 hrs studying yesterday for my final on Thursday I needed to get out in the garage and try to kill myself.  Actually, the killing my self wasn't apart of the plan, but quickly developed along the way.  If anybody is truly interested in losing weight do this: lock your self in your garage late in the afternoon, and start moving. Doesn't matter what you do; lift something, jump rope, you can probably even stand there and sweat off some pounds.  I really do need to make a DVD along with my own infomercial. Who ever can come up with a creative name for my DVD I will put you in the infomercial.

I have this routine that I like to follow on days I just want to move around by doing several different things.  It consist of 12 movements, mostly body weight, you can do what ever you want.  When I use all body weight movements it takes me 30mins.  So, I figured lets change it today and add some variations, thinking it will take me at the most 45mins.  An hour later I was done, and for the first time in a long time I thought I was going to overheat, dehydrate, and kill over in a puddle of my sweat. Fortunately, Hunter was home and could notify the friendliest neighborhood EMT across the street to save my life, if needed. 

This is how it goes.  Pick 12 exercises number them from 1-12.  Each number represents the number of reps for that movement.  Each time you move to the next number and work your way back down to one. Start at (#1) 1 rep. Next, perform (#2) 2 reps, (#1) 1 rep. Then (#3) 3reps, (#2) 2reps, (#1) 1 rep. Get the picture? Continue this until you reach (#12).  The last time through is #12 down to #1 and your finished.  There are no predetermined rest intervals.  Take the breaths you need between lifts, but try to keep it minimal. I noticed when editing the video my rest breaks were all around :20secs.

  1. V-ups
  2. Dive Bomber Push ups
  3. Pull ups- added 12kg KB for variation yesterday
  4. Push ups- Changed this to Wall Walks for yesterday
  5. Burpee's
  6. Leg Raises
  7. Jump Squats
  8. BW Squats- Changed to 20kg KB Goblet Squat yesterday
  9. Inverted Rows- Changed to Plate Raise
  10. KB Swings 24kg
  11. Ring Dips- Changed to 1 arm row 24kg KB 11 each arm R/L
  12. Split Squat Jump- 12 each leg R/L
Finally figured out how to make one video, problem is it can only be 5mins in length, so I cut a lot of the rest time to get it all under 5mins.  The video is my 12-1 so you can see what all the exercises are and the look of death on my face. This was a lot easier before I was 220+ lbs.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Do you know uncomfortable?

Kristy wasn't feel well, so I got some quick kettbell work in on my own. 

1) Snatches
  4x25 R/L 24kg total of 100.
My goal is 100 snatches, 50 on the right 50 on the left, only switching hands once and not setting the bell down. This was more challenging than I was expecting, but I do love a challenge.  I think thats why people don't reach their potential, or stick with any type of training.  They don't love a challenge. At some point everything should be difficult and reguire gut busting effort.  If its easy are you really getting better?  Are you improving?  The only way to improve in any aspect of life you have to get out of you comfort zone.  You have to find out what it feels like to be uncomfortable.  This feels better than you think...after the pain has passed.

2) Fig 8
  3x10   24kg

These were just because I've been wanting to do some for past few weeks, so today I did.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Firday in the wt room

I have found as I get older it takes a little longer to get moving when I lift in the morning.  For the past 6 years I got up at 4':00AM to train, so I wouldn't be taking away from family time.  Since I've been in school I still get up that early but it's to study.  This morning I decided to head to the wt room at about 8:45AM, I know its not that early, but it took me a good 30 mins to get warmed up and get moving. Now, I will admit I had lots of extra time today, so I intentionally took a longer warm up to work out some stiffness I had acquired over the weeks.  It was nice to be able to take my time. 

All I wanted to do today was Power Clean, DL, Barbell Row and call it a day.  I videoed my power clean cause I have never seen my self clean before and wanted to see what it looked like. I also decided at the end to get some sledge hammer work in.  So I videoed that as well.

1) Power Clean
    1x8  bar
    1x5  135
    1x5  185
    1x3  225
    1x3  255
    1x1  275 missed the second one got to far forward

2) DL (Alternated sets b/w conventional and sumo)
      2x5   315    1st set sumo    2nd set conventional
      2x5   405
      2x3   455

3) Barbell Row
    3x10   225

4) Sledge Hammer
   3x20  20lb hammer  10R/10L
    60 total strikes

The video is of my last PC and one of the sets with sledge hammer.

If anybody who reads this is good with technology, and knows how to combine video recordings into one video. Can you please teach me?  I would rather download one video from the day instead of two or three.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



Wednesday AM Lifting

Got a good one in this morning.  Met up with one of my former players Matt Franey, who is a young strength athlete in the making, he just hasn't realized it yet. He strained his peck benching a few months ago, so I tried to help fix his form and remind him how to pack his shoulder in and stay tight. I introduced him to my partner Cody's Tricep Death, but didn't fully kill him.  To do this you will need 4 or 5 boards (2x4) I only have 4 some do it with 5.  Use a close grip start with one board do 5 reps, partner lays the 2nd board down do 5 reps, continue on till you get all your boards in with 5 reps.  Board presses and floor presses have built my bench to what it is today.  If your sticking point is your lock out these are good movements to help fix it.  This afternoon Sunshyne & I will be making up Holder family fun day were we missed Monday.  Check back for that one we will video this.

1) Bench
   1x10  bar
   1x10  95
   1x10  135
   1x10  185- Matt stayed here so we could work on finding his groove, and stayin tight on the bench.
   1x10  225
   3x10  275

2) Tricep Death 4 boards- Since it was his 1st time I decided to break him in slowly with 3 reps.  I wouldn't be this nice to everybody, but I like him.

3 reps ends up being 12 reps w/ 4 boards
       2x3  135 Matt

3) 1-arm barbell row (load one end of the bar, while anchoring the other end by placing something heavy or multiple plates flat on it). A video might have made this more clear.
        1x12   R/L  (2) 45's
        2x12   R/L  (2) 45's + 25

4a) Barbell curls
     3x12    85
4b) Tri Kickbacks
     3x12 R/L    30 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

If you don't squat you ain't squat.

Today I squated more than I have in a while, for no other reason other than it was feeling good, so I kept going.  I had my baby boy in the wt room with me, so I knew time was not on my side. I'm still squating with Safety Squat Yoke Bar.  I love this bar (thank you Sunshyne), it takes the load off my hips, while building my weak points in my back. I pulled the box out today just because it was there, and ain't box squated in a while. 

1) SSB box squats
    1x10   bar
    1x10   155
    1x8     245
    1x6     335
    3x6     335 + 90lbs of chains
    1x10   335

2) GHR (Glute Ham Raise)

If you do it right you don't have to do a lot. 

''If you don't feel like your head is about to pop off, you're not doing it right." -Dave Tate founder of

Life happens, and you make adjustments not excuses.

We couldn't get in our normal Holder family fun Monday. So, Kristy went for a run and I got in some presses and pull-ups.  Nothing to challenging or physically demanding. Just some nice work.  I chose to do presses in a 5 rung ladder scheme.  What that means is, each rep is a rung on the ladder.  Perform one rep on each side, two reps on each, three reps, all the way to five.  A five rung ladder finishes with 15 reps.  I know what you're thinking. Why?  Instead of cranking out 15 reps and possibly fading toward the end, in a ladder you stay fresh by keeping the reps short and making every rep perfect. 

1) KB press (ladders)
   1st ladder x 5 rungs 20kg
   2nd          x 5            24kg
   3rd           x5             32kg

In between ladders I got in 10 pull-ups different grip each time.

2) Weighted Pull-ups
     2x5  24kg bell hanging from belt

3) Double KB Cleans
   3x5   24's

For those of you wondering what the kg are in lbs. Multiply 2.2 x kg= lbs. Kettbells come in kgs that why I use kg. 

Ex: 24 kg = 53lbs (52.8 to be exact)

Family fun day will be on Wednesday if you want to check it out then.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Push/pull day 06/14/13

The one good thing I've come to enjoy about not competing right now is I'm able to do some things I have wanted to do for a long time.  When I'm in my meet prep I'm zeroed in on what I have to do for the next 16 weeks.  Today I did something I have wanted to try, but never took the time.  I did some TGU with the barbell for the first time ever.  I was impressed how well it went, its not perfect but pretty good.  I wanted to get some prowler work in today, but realized I didn't have much time till I needed to pick my baby boy up from daycare. So, I figured I would combset my bench and DL to save time.  Combosets were done with normal rest 2:00min rest b/w lifts, did'em mainly to get all the work in I wanted to do today.

1) TGU
  1x3 R/L  bar
  1x1 R/L  65
  1x1 R/L  85
  1x1 R/L  100

2a) Bench
  1x8  135
  1x5  225
  1x3  275
  4x5  315

2b) DL
  1x5  135
  1x3  225
  1x3  315
  4x5  405

Video of my 100lb TGU.   And yes, the left arm almost got ugly at the end. If patience isn't your thing, the right arm starts at 30sec mark, and left arm at 1:55 mark.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Squat and Pin Pulls

Training while in an accelerated BSN program is basicaly about clearing my head.  I do so much mental work I don't want to think when I'm in the wt room.  Therefore, my training is not programed, periodized, or anything close right now. Basically I know what days I want to do what, then just go move whatever is in front of me.  It works for now, but I'll be glad when I can get back to a more organized program.

1) SSQ Yoke bar
     1x10 bar
     1x10  155
     1x10  245
     1x8    295
     3x6    335

2) Pin Pulls
   4x10 315

3) 6x 30 yards 4 plates on the prowler 1:00 rest b/w reps

For single leg work today I decided to get some prowler work in for the first time in a long time. This is the first time I've done any kind of runnin in a while. I don't run much, and I don't run further than 50 yards. I prefer hill sprints but the prowler will work when there's not a hill around.

A personal challenge was laid down to me back on Friday, this is why I got two days of conditioning in this week, with a third planned on Friday.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Snatches and Burpees 6/10/13

20 mins: start at the top of each min. 10 rounds

1) Snatches 24kg x 7 R/L total 140

2) Burpees x 5

In and out


Friday, June 7, 2013

My number one training secret

As promised I am going to tell everyone my number training secret.  Most people aren't willing to share their secrets, but I am here to help. 

Post training should include three staples for everybody.  These are bottom line basics we all need to be the best we can be.  I feel like a freakin motivational speaker typin this. I am going to list the three; number 3 is my number one secret.

1) Post training Protein drink: 25-30grams protein, 30 grams carbs (I use 3-4 spoon fulls of sugar) mixed in 8-10oz of milk.

2) Shower nough said

3) Post Training Power Nap!  Yes, power nap.  I don't care how busy you say you are, you have time to close your eyes in your office, car, I get mine in on the floor when I'm at school.  I love my power nap after training.  I wake feeling refreshed and ready to go.  All you need is 15 mins I promise you will thank me later.

That's it, top secret info.  Now you are ready to dominate.

Friday with Cody 6/7/13

Today didn't go as planned, but sometimes you go with what you got.  We didn't plan on the football team being in the wt room this morning when we got there.  I wanted to squat, but they had all the racks full.  Of course anytime I get with Cody the first thing we're gonna do is Power Clean.  So, what follows is an on the fly day of what we could work in around the players.

1) PC
   1x5 135
   1x5 185
   1x5 205
   1x4 235
   4x3 255  Cody finished his last set of 3 w/315

2) Over Head Squat
   4x5 115

3a) 1 arm row
   4x10 70
3b) Over head shoulder fly; something cody came up with. basically hold wt out like a T bring together over your head.
   4x10 10lb med balls

Sorry no videos today.  I wasn't about to pull the camera out with the players there.  Not the strenuous day we normally have when we get together. The days we train together usually end with someone throwing up. This week has been kinda an unintentional back off week.  Its been nice, my back is thanking me for it.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday Push Day 6/6/13

I was back at gold's today.  Even though I prefer to train at home or in the high school. I feel like it saves time to get it in while I'm in Hendersonville.  By the time I drive back home I would be finishing up at gold's. 

1) Push press
     1 x 8 bar
     1 x 5 135
     1 x 5 155
     1 x 5 175
     1 x 5 185
     3 x 3 205

2) Bench  
I did the same thing as last week w/ ten singles in ten minuets.  Normally I would bump the wt up 5-10lbs from previous week, but I left it at 315 cause I hate the bench's at gold's.
      10 x 1 315  :45sec rest b/w

3) DB Bench
    3 x 15 80's

4) Pull ups
 3 different grips while doing these.  Did 3 reps w/ each grip making 9 reps for each set.
    3 x 9   overhand/neutral/under

5a) Barbell curls
     3 x 10 95
5b) Tri Ext w/ rope
    3 x 10 85

6) Hanging Leg Raise
   3 x 15

No videos again while at gold's.  Tune in tomorrow it is going to be a great day.  Meeting up with my old training partner Cody Capps. Its always a great day when we get together.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday 6/5/13

Decided to take the day off today.  Plan for the day is soak in hot Epsom salt bath 15 min.  These have become a weekly staple for me.  I make the water as hot as I can stand it and put the whole bag of Epsom salt in.

Post bath routine:

1) Roll on rumble roller focusing on hips, hamstrings, and back
2) Mobility work:  roll to v-sit reach x10
                              hip circles x 10 each way R/L
                              Mt. Climber hip stretch x10 R/L
                              Grasshopper Stretch x 10 hold # 10 for 10 secs.
                              Hip Flexor stretch 3 x 10 secs. R/L
3) Static Hamstring stretch

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday 6/4/13

I trained at Gold's today.  It's not my favorite, but when I have a half day at school I usually just get one in while I'm down there.

1) Power Clean
    1x5 135
    1x5 185
    1x4 205
    2x3 225

2) Speed Pulls
   12x1 295 + EFS Pro Short Light Resistance Band

3) Kroc Rows
    1x8 70 R/L
    1x8 80 R/L
    1x20 90 R/L
    1x18 100 R/L

No videos.  Not trying to be the dude in the gym with his camera, and bring attention to myself.  Back has been stiff lately, so it was nice to get a brief light day in.

Actuall Friday 5/31/13

I got my days mixed up. Yes, I am trying to get this blog caught up to date.  My DL weak point is off the floor, so today was about explosive from the start.  Decided to do the same with my bench, but instead of going with traditional 50-60% for speed I decided to do 85% and get 10 singles in 10 minuets.  Not really sure why, just did it.  Felt pretty good.

1) SSQ Yoke Bar
     1x10   bar
     1x10   155
     3x10   245

2) Speed Pulls 60%
     12x1 315

3) Bench 85%
    10x1 315

4a) Barbell Curls
    3x10   95
4b) Leg Raises

Monday 6/3/13

I have class from 7:30am-5:00pm every Monday, this makes for a long day.  Therefore, mondays are usually my conditioning days, get in and out in 30mins or less.  Yes, conditioning.  I hate the word cardio.  Kristy trains with me on these days and I enjoy that the most.  There was a point in time when we couldn't lift together, two bulls buttin heads.  Now we can, which is great cause she is the type of person who will die before she quits, or show any sign of not being able to make it.  Her conditioning level is far better than mine. 

Start at the top of the minuet perform prescribed reps and rest till the next minuet.  Next minuet do next lift and rest.  We will do either 2 or 3 lifts always mixing it up. 

1) KB Press heavy x5 R/L 32kg

2) Swings x 15 32kg

3) Pull ups x 8

10 x through 30mins total.

Again, I need to work on my camera placement.  The video is of our 3rd round/set whatever you wanna call it.

Friday 5/31/13

Yes I am behind on my days, nut it has taken me some time to set my blog the way I want it before I start asking people to go to it.

This was a play day in the garage.  It was actually a study break, so I just wanted to get some blood flowing and clear my head.

I started with TGU and finished with 2 hands any how.  I did 8 pull ups b/w every set. 

1a)TGU 1x5 R/L 20kg
              1x5 R/L 24kg
              1x5 R/L 32kg
1b) 3x8

2a) 2x2 (2) 24kg
      2x2 24kg & 32kg
2b) 4x8

The video is just my 2 hands any how. I didn't get the idea to set it up till after my TGU.  Also, obviously I am not very good at camera placement cause you can't see me lock the wt out over head. The first video is my set the two 24's, and the other is with the 24kg and the 32kg.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Back at it again.

This is a new adventure for me.  Not only am I not one to talk about myself, but I am a private person when it comes to my training.  I prefer to train in my garage or in the weight room at the high school.  I have only had a couple training partners over the years because it’s hard to find any trustworthy ones, and my training time is my “me time” to clear my head. 

So, I'm not sure now if my profile is the place to type all this, or if it should been my first post.  Might be both?

I'm starting this blog mainly to document my training and include some videos along the way.  The main question I get from people I meet is where do you work out? They get a perplexed look on their face when I respond with my garage.  The next question to follow is, well what do you do?  This is the hardest to answer because I can't say I do one thing or the other.  I like to sweat, pick up heavy things, and be uncomfortable. Sometimes the “Why” question is the 3rd. For life is my usual answer.  I also like “To achieve superior swollenness!”  Yesterday I got the bright idea I would start a blog. Not to display my impeccable English and grammar skills, but to document my training and use videos for some flavor. 

Not sure where this will go or long it will last.  Maybe it can help somebody, or muddy the water a bit more.