Sunday, June 2, 2013

Back at it again.

This is a new adventure for me.  Not only am I not one to talk about myself, but I am a private person when it comes to my training.  I prefer to train in my garage or in the weight room at the high school.  I have only had a couple training partners over the years because it’s hard to find any trustworthy ones, and my training time is my “me time” to clear my head. 

So, I'm not sure now if my profile is the place to type all this, or if it should been my first post.  Might be both?

I'm starting this blog mainly to document my training and include some videos along the way.  The main question I get from people I meet is where do you work out? They get a perplexed look on their face when I respond with my garage.  The next question to follow is, well what do you do?  This is the hardest to answer because I can't say I do one thing or the other.  I like to sweat, pick up heavy things, and be uncomfortable. Sometimes the “Why” question is the 3rd. For life is my usual answer.  I also like “To achieve superior swollenness!”  Yesterday I got the bright idea I would start a blog. Not to display my impeccable English and grammar skills, but to document my training and use videos for some flavor. 

Not sure where this will go or long it will last.  Maybe it can help somebody, or muddy the water a bit more. 

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