Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday 6/5/13

Decided to take the day off today.  Plan for the day is soak in hot Epsom salt bath 15 min.  These have become a weekly staple for me.  I make the water as hot as I can stand it and put the whole bag of Epsom salt in.

Post bath routine:

1) Roll on rumble roller focusing on hips, hamstrings, and back
2) Mobility work:  roll to v-sit reach x10
                              hip circles x 10 each way R/L
                              Mt. Climber hip stretch x10 R/L
                              Grasshopper Stretch x 10 hold # 10 for 10 secs.
                              Hip Flexor stretch 3 x 10 secs. R/L
3) Static Hamstring stretch

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