Friday, June 7, 2013

My number one training secret

As promised I am going to tell everyone my number training secret.  Most people aren't willing to share their secrets, but I am here to help. 

Post training should include three staples for everybody.  These are bottom line basics we all need to be the best we can be.  I feel like a freakin motivational speaker typin this. I am going to list the three; number 3 is my number one secret.

1) Post training Protein drink: 25-30grams protein, 30 grams carbs (I use 3-4 spoon fulls of sugar) mixed in 8-10oz of milk.

2) Shower nough said

3) Post Training Power Nap!  Yes, power nap.  I don't care how busy you say you are, you have time to close your eyes in your office, car, I get mine in on the floor when I'm at school.  I love my power nap after training.  I wake feeling refreshed and ready to go.  All you need is 15 mins I promise you will thank me later.

That's it, top secret info.  Now you are ready to dominate.

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