Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Don't know what to call this?

After spending about 6 hrs studying yesterday for my final on Thursday I needed to get out in the garage and try to kill myself.  Actually, the killing my self wasn't apart of the plan, but quickly developed along the way.  If anybody is truly interested in losing weight do this: lock your self in your garage late in the afternoon, and start moving. Doesn't matter what you do; lift something, jump rope, you can probably even stand there and sweat off some pounds.  I really do need to make a DVD along with my own infomercial. Who ever can come up with a creative name for my DVD I will put you in the infomercial.

I have this routine that I like to follow on days I just want to move around by doing several different things.  It consist of 12 movements, mostly body weight, you can do what ever you want.  When I use all body weight movements it takes me 30mins.  So, I figured lets change it today and add some variations, thinking it will take me at the most 45mins.  An hour later I was done, and for the first time in a long time I thought I was going to overheat, dehydrate, and kill over in a puddle of my sweat. Fortunately, Hunter was home and could notify the friendliest neighborhood EMT across the street to save my life, if needed. 

This is how it goes.  Pick 12 exercises number them from 1-12.  Each number represents the number of reps for that movement.  Each time you move to the next number and work your way back down to one. Start at (#1) 1 rep. Next, perform (#2) 2 reps, (#1) 1 rep. Then (#3) 3reps, (#2) 2reps, (#1) 1 rep. Get the picture? Continue this until you reach (#12).  The last time through is #12 down to #1 and your finished.  There are no predetermined rest intervals.  Take the breaths you need between lifts, but try to keep it minimal. I noticed when editing the video my rest breaks were all around :20secs.

  1. V-ups
  2. Dive Bomber Push ups
  3. Pull ups- added 12kg KB for variation yesterday
  4. Push ups- Changed this to Wall Walks for yesterday
  5. Burpee's
  6. Leg Raises
  7. Jump Squats
  8. BW Squats- Changed to 20kg KB Goblet Squat yesterday
  9. Inverted Rows- Changed to Plate Raise
  10. KB Swings 24kg
  11. Ring Dips- Changed to 1 arm row 24kg KB 11 each arm R/L
  12. Split Squat Jump- 12 each leg R/L
Finally figured out how to make one video, problem is it can only be 5mins in length, so I cut a lot of the rest time to get it all under 5mins.  The video is my 12-1 so you can see what all the exercises are and the look of death on my face. This was a lot easier before I was 220+ lbs.

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